Communities have always fought back against corporations that steal their power and resources.

Greedy corporations have created terrible conditions in California. But that hasn’t stopped Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) from fighting for people power! Our network of grassroots AAPI organizations are working to transform our government into one that cares more about people than profit. 

The powerful stories contained in A Force For Change, a comic book by AAPI FORCE-EF, illustrate how working-class AAPI communities have and continue to fight for environmental, housing, labor, and economic justice. Together, we are A FORCE FOR CHANGE!

Download the Comic Book

Across California, we are building PEOPLE POWER!

A Force For Change is a comic book written by Erica Maria Cheung, Shania Khoo, and Ashley Lin with AAPI FORCE-EF, and illustrated by Audrey Chan. AAPI FORCE-EF partnered with Audrey through 18th Street Arts Center to make to bring this comic book to life.

A Force For Change was inspired by the many AAPI community organizations and multiracial coalitions across the state that are working to transform our government into one that prioritizes communities over corporations.

This comic book is available in English, as well as traditional Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Download your digital copy of the comic book here.  



APEN tells their intergenerational story of how communities have rallied and protested against the Chevron oil refinery in Richmond, CA. When we build power in our communities, we can defeat corporate polluters and fight for a clean and healthy future! 


Community organizations like FAJ, CPA, and APEN fight for tenants at the local level. They tell stories of how when renters and tenants are under attack in the Bay Area, we can mobilize to keep our communities housed and our homes safe from corporate greed. 


AAPI workers in many industries organize for their safety, health, and dignity. PWC and CPA share stories of how they supported and empowered workers across different industries to demand that workers are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. 


Young people know exactly what they need to grow up in safe, healthy, and whole communities! HIP and KGA share stories about the ways young people are advocating for themselves to make sure positive youth development is funded by city budgets.

Meet the Artist: Audrey Chan

Audrey Chan (b. 1982, Chicago, Illinois) is a Los Angeles-based artist, illustrator, and writer. Her research-based projects use drawing, painting, public art, and video to challenge dominant historical narratives through allegories of power, place, and identity. She received an MFA from California Institute of the Arts and a BA with Honors from Swarthmore College. Public art commissions include Will Power Allegory for LA Metro at the Little Tokyo/Arts District Station and The Care We Create at the Los Angeles offices of the ACLU of Southern California, where she was the organization's inaugural artist-in-residence. In 2023, she was named a California Creative Corps fellow with 18th Streets Arts Center.

Photo by Carol von Zumwalt.

Learn more about Audrey Chan

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