2024 California Asian American Voter Insights

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Civic Empowerment Education Fund (AAPI FORCE-EF), AAPI Data, and Asian American Futures released the California Asian American Voter Insights report in September 2024 — publishing findings from a comprehensive multilingual survey shedding light on the political attitudes, voter intentions, and policy priorities of Asian American voters in California ahead of the 2024 election.

California is home to a rapidly-growing Asian American electorate, with over 4 million eligible voters across the state — and this information is critical to understanding the motivations and needs of this increasingly influential population of the electorate. Read the report below to find out more: 

These are the crosstabs from our 2024 California Asian American Voter Insights survey, available for ethnicity, age, gender, nativity, and political party identification.

The survey of 1,253 Asian American voters in California was conducted using mixed modes, self-administered responses via an online panel and telephone interviews of respondents selected from a classified list of Asian American voters for the six largest ethnic groups (Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese) — which collectively represent 85% of the eligible voter population of Asian Americans in California. Surveys were offered in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese and were fielded from April 4 to May 26, 2024. Respondents qualified for the survey if they indicated on a screener questionnaire that they were currently registered to vote at their present address.

The data were weighted using a post-stratification ranking method based on: 1) key demographic factors (age, education, gender, and nativity) by Asian ethnicity, and 2) the party distribution of registered voters by Asian ethnicity. The survey has a 4% margin of error, which incorporates sample size, the design effect of the study, and the survey's post-stratification weights.

Please contact media@aapiforce.org with questions.